Short time ago I got a message from some Multimedia-Art Master Students from Salzburg. They were searching for a DIT/Data Wrangler for their Project “Back tot he Roots“, a Sci fi short shot with the Arri Alexa with some quite ambitious Vfx shots. Fur further Infos you can get the details from their website at Not...
Read MoreVirtual set recreation
For the one of the latest projects I had to recreate a virtual camera move, where the camera moves towards a real cardboard box and when it´s opened i had to recreate a room where a person (shot against greenscreen ) is preparing to paint the walls. The only things i hat where some photo references of the room, the greenscreen with the person and the shot...
Read MoreVienna Moods, color graded version
As described in my other blogpost, i did some testing with the Canon Eos Mark II. This short clip is the result of this shooting, edited and color graded. As mentioned i did not use any tripod or stabilizers. The goal of this experiment, besides doing some testing to convey a certain mood that can be captured just by walking through the city of Vienna. ...
Read MoreWhere´s the backplate?
Classical situation: A character has to disappear, the scene is shot, some days later they realize: “Where is the backplate??? Oops, we forgot.” That´s what happened, so it was necessary to recreate the Background just with Photoshop and no further Reference. So i´ts paint and clone, reusing several parts of the image, add stuff color it and...
Read MorePraesentation Landesausstellung 2011
A collaboration with this is the presentation for the future federal state Exhibition 2011 “Erobern – Entdecken – Erleben im Römerland Carnuntum” The 3d-Renderings have been provided by...
Read MoreExplosion shot
in the following project the following tasks have been involved: – 3d Tracking – Retouche – particle animation and demolition – adding dust – mattepainting – sky replacement – rotoscoping – compositing Breakdown:
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