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eye tracking while watching films

Posted by on May 5, 2011 in english, webfindings / inspiration | 0 comments

In almost every filmbook i read, the importance of guiding the eye of the viewer as well as framing and composition is constantly stressed. I just found some videos, where several people watching movies have been eye-tracked and they definitely proof the concept: It´s all about the eyes and faces, about contrast, angles and movement. As this was nothing...

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Where´s the backplate?

Where´s the backplate?

Posted by on May 4, 2011 in general, projects, visual fx | 0 comments

Classical situation: A character has to disappear, the scene is shot, some days later they realize: “Where is the backplate??? Oops, we forgot.” That´s what happened, so it was necessary to recreate the Background just with Photoshop and no further Reference. So i´ts paint and clone, reusing several parts of the image, add stuff color it and...

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